Events for December 6 - June 1 › Local Church Ministry

Semper Reformanda: BC Conference

Semper Reformanda, El Salvador Semper Reformanda, El Salvador

Dr. Andrew Rogers will be leading a Biblical Counseling Conference El Salvador addressing addictions, depression, and anxiety.

CLT Module 1: Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm, Sweden

Module 1 Biblical Counseling: What it is? (Defining a Biblical Sufficiency-Based Model of Personal Ministry and the Nature of Personal Spiritual Growth)

Intro to BC: Kvelde, Norway

Kvelde, Norway Kvelde, Norway

Dr. Andrew Rogers will teach two sessions providing practical instruction about biblical counseling and its role in the local church and then conduct a Q&A.

CLT Module 1: Tartu, Estonia

Module 1 Biblical Counseling: What it is? (Defining a Biblical Sufficiency-Based Model of Personal Ministry and the Nature of Personal Spiritual Growth)

CLT Module 3: Kanazawa, Japan

Kanazawa, Japan Kanazaw, Japan

Module 3 Biblical Counseling: How Do You Do It More Effectively? (Addressing Common Counseling Issues from God’s Perspective)

CLT Module 1.1: Esterillos, Costa Rica

Esterillos, Costa Rica Esterillos, Costa Rica

Module 1.1 Biblical Counseling: What it is? (Defining a Biblical Sufficiency-Based Model of Personal Ministry and the Nature of Personal Spiritual Growth)

BC Conference: Kanazawa, Japan

OIC-trained biblical counselors will gather for a conference that will provide opportunity for development of skill and confidence in discipleship and counseling.

CLT Module 1: Quebradillas, Puerto Rico

Quebradillas, Puerto Rico Quebradillas, Puerto Rico

Module 1 Biblical Counseling: What it is? (Defining a Biblical Sufficiency-Based Model of Personal Ministry and the Nature of Personal Spiritual Growth)

CLT Module 1: Osaka, Japan

Osaka, Japan Osaka, Japan

Module 1 Biblical Counseling: What it is? (Defining a Biblical Sufficiency-Based Model of Personal Ministry and the Nature of Personal Spiritual Growth)

CLT Module 2: Entebbe, Uganda

Nansana Bible Church, Uganda Nansana Bible Church, Entebbe, Uganda

Module 2 Biblical Counseling: How Do You Do It? (Teaching the Process and Procedures of Biblical Counseling)

CLT Module 1: Ponce, Puerto Rico

Ponce, Puerto Rico Ponce, Puerto Rico

Module 1 Biblical Counseling: What it is? (Defining a Biblical Sufficiency-Based Model of Personal Ministry and the Nature of Personal Spiritual Growth)

CLT Module 1.2: Esterillos, Costa Rica

Esterillos, Costa Rica Esterillos, Costa Rica

Module 1.2 Biblical Counseling: What it is? (Defining a Biblical Sufficiency-Based Model of Personal Ministry and the Nature of Personal Spiritual Growth)

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