Local Church Ministry

28 06, 2020

CLT Module 1: Guatemala

Module 1: Biblical Counseling: What it is? (Defining a Biblical Sufficiency-Based Model of Personal Ministry and the Nature of Personal Spiritual Growth)

24 06, 2020

CLT Module 3: Harer, Ethiopia

Module 3: Biblical Counseling: How Do You Do It More Effectively? (Addressing Common Counseling Issues from God’s Perspective - Topics will include Sexual Purity, Wisdom from Proverbs, and Conflict Resolution)

24 06, 2020

CLT Module 4: Addis Adaba, Ethiopia

Module 3: Biblical Counseling: How Do You Do It More Effectively? (Addressing Common Counseling Issues from God’s Perspective - Topics will include Sexual Purity, Wisdom from Proverbs, and Conflict Resolution)

23 04, 2015

Afraid to “Counsel”? Stop It!

One of my greatest joys is watching God change lives. That statement could probably be made by all of us in the biblical counseling movement. For most of us that would mean watching God change the lives of our counselees by revealing the focus of their idolatrous heart, graciously bringing them to brokenness and repentance, and patiently transforming their heart’s desires through the work of the Holy Spirit as the biblical counselor skillfully teaches and applies the Scriptures. But that first statement means something different for me.

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