Thank You!

Thank you for your partnership with us through your generous gift, which we will wisely seek to put to work to fulfill the Lord’s Great Commission of teaching His disciples to obey all that He commanded by building up the church around the world. Your gift will:

  • support our coordinators and team members as they train and encourage God’s people around the world to wisely care for one another from His Word.
  • support our staff and team members as they connect with elders, other church leaders, and believers across the globe to initiate and continue church-strengthening biblical counseling training and assist churches to develop wholesome and healthy discipleship ministries.
  • support current and new translation projects to bring biblical counseling books and other resources to every corner of the globe.
  • support our missionary soul care counselors and counseling ministry to care well and wisely for missionaries and disaster relief workers who are in all kinds of trouble, suffering, trials, temptations, persecution, or affliction.

We would also encourage you to partner with us in prayer by becoming an OIC Insider. As our prayer partner, you will receive regular updates by email with details about OIC events, praise and prayer items, highlights of biblical counseling resources, and other information that will help you to co-labor with us in prayer.

You will also receive information about our podcast, BC Worldwide, including interviews and articles published on the website about people from all over the world who have been impacted by the Lord’s work through counsel from His Word.

And, if you are interested connecting with us about any of our events or training or to inquire about serving with or supporting OIC, please use our contact form here.

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and subscribe to the BC Worldwide podcast

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